Discounts and Special Offers
Inexpensive Options for Crevasse Rescue and Technical Self-Rescue for Climbers
The American Alpine Institute Mountain Center in Bellingham runs monthly half-day programs in the fall, winter and spring seasons on crevasse rescue and self-rescue. These four-hour ground-school programs are $95 each or $170 together. Learn more.
Freeze the Current Price for the Following Year
Prices increase every year on November 1st. You may purchase a program at the current rate by placing a deposit before November 1st of the current year for the following season.
The exception to this rule is with Denali Programs. Those prices increase on September 1st.
Denali Specials
If you register for a Denali program and a Denali Prep program in the same calendar year, you will receive a $500 discount on the Denali Prep.
Program Finder