AMGA Climbing Wall Instructor


The American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA) Climbing Wall Instructor Certification is for professionals who teach climbing on indoor gyms and artificial climbing walls. This two and one half-day course and exam aims to provide the participants with the basic technical skills to run an effective program at a climbing facility. Upon successful completion participants will receive certification as an AMGA Climbing Wall Instructor and a three year membership with the AMGA.

Topics covered include safe and effective climbing techniques appropriate for an indoor environment, basic rescue techniques and emergency procedures, and teaching pedagogy for introductory climbing skills. You will learn to properly orient climbers to a climbing facility including proper use of bouldering areas, top-rope walls, and lead walls. We teach different techniques for helping an injured or stuck climber through belay escape and rope ascension. Also, we will conduct an in-depth workshop on teaching basic knots, belaying skills, and climbing techniques to further your teaching abilities with different learning styles.

The CWI course has two different levels of certification. A participant can choose to pursue Lead level certification or Top-Rope level certification. In order to attain lead certification the participant must demonstrate an ability to lead 5.8 climbs and top-rope 5.9 climbs. In addition, they will teach an introductory clinic on lead climbing skills. A top-rope level certification requires a participant to demonstrate an ability to climb 5.7 on top-rope.

AMGA Climbing Wall Instructor

Dates & Details


Please call for additional dates.

Partner Gyms

The American Alpine Institute will work to provide this program at any climbing gym that desires a program. However, the Institute currently has a partnership with Origin Climbing and Fitness in a suburb of Las Vegas. The bulk of the CWI courses take place at this gym.

Origin Climbing and Fitness

7585 Commercial Way, Ste J
Henderson, NV 89011


AMGA Climbing Wall Instructor

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